Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. 
I was reading this verse this morning in my doer devotions from girls workshop. This verse I am sure a lot of you have memorized but when you really look into it, it has a great message! The first part of the verse is talking about conforming to this world. And its basically saying don't let the world determine who you are or who you are going to be. Don't let it be what you are known for. "But be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Now that may be kind of confusing but think of it this way... A catterpillar. A cute little catterpillar. Now you can't just staple wings to a catterpillar and call it a butterfly! The catterpillar has to go through an inside change first and then it transforms into a butterfly. Thats kind of what this verse is saying. Its saying that we should not just folllow the patterns of this world. BUT it should be an inside change... "by the renewing of your mind"... and that will effect if you conform to the world by what you do on the outside. But it all starts with what is inside of you and then overflows into what happens on the outside. "Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."<3333
Nice post Natalieeee! That is one of my favorite verses! So true when you said that the world shouldn't be what we are known for. It should be Jesus!!! We need to be in this world, not of it!
Great blog Natalie!!! This is like girls' workshop! This is so true, and like Derek said, we should be known as the followers of Christ and we need to be living above reproach to please our Lord in this world, not please the world.
It's a good thing! LOL
nice job natalieeeee
also one of my favorite verses... we need to resist the world's mold and instead, live for Christ, but like you said, it has to start on the inside first...
Oh nice blog! I loved the butterfly analogy you used. It's so true, I also liked when you mentioned, "But it all starts with what is inside of you and then overflows into what happens on the outside." It's the inside being transformed, and then works its way to the outside!
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