I went with my dad to a Franklin Graham crusade in
Tacoma, Washington. There were 3 crusades and a kids fest thing. I had sooooooo much fun!!! There were a bunch of different musical grroups like Tommy Walker, Starfield, Group 1 Crew,
Tree 63 :), Dennis Agajanian, and more. I was sooo excited to hear all of these groups! The first crusade I saw I was watching the music and then right when they were done I went up stairs while Franklin spoke. And i didn't listen because idk I just didn't listen. But then the second night, saturday night i wanted to listen to it; so i did. and i was
totally stoked because he was talking about the
RICH YOUNG RULERRR!! (revivallll 07) anyways... He spoke on
Mark 10:17-22! And to hear him preach was soooo cool to me! That day 9,345 people heard the gospel! It was sooo amazingg!! When they did the altar call, 482 people came up. Now I was a little disapointed because that was only 5.2% of the people that came. But then I realized oh my goodness... tonight 482 people became a Christian!!! Wow!!! Through out the hole weekend over 1,000 people gave up their lives! And a total of 25,988 people were there and heard the gospel! That is just sooo encouraging to me! To keep sharinggg the Gospel any chance I get!!!
See you guys soon...
God bless..
Nice Natalieee :) Thats so cool that you got to go there! (and hear Tree 63!!!!) It sounded so much fun and wow, thats a lot of people to hear the Word! See ya this weekend, DB <><
wow when i read your blog i at first thought about all the math.... i had a test today but then i really thought about how it is cool when we know someone who becomes a christian and we are stoked try telling me the numbers of those....hahaha i don't think you will be able to
Nice Natalie!!! That is so awesome so many heard the gospel and were saved! We need to pray that God will convict those who heard and save them if it's His will! Great job, keep it up!!!
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