This past weekend I went down to San Diego with my dad...we went to Seaworlddd<3>
We went to the dolphin show. And boy, these dolphins could do sweet tricks...let me tell ya! But the thing is that when you see these animals with there trainers they look like they have an outstanding amount of love for them and they have this "bond" with each other. But when you think about it the reality is that they are just doing these tricks because they are getting fish. Now, when we go to church...do we actually go to church to go to church? Or do we just go to see our friends and hang out and color on our point sheets? As a Christian, we need to go to church for God, not for friends, or ourselves. In Galations 2:21 it says: I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!
When you go to church, Focus on bobby or mike or whoever is sayingg!!! LISTEN TO WHAT THEY ARE SAYING! For it will help you in the long run!
Hebrews 10:25
Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
God bless<3
yea we should be going to church to pursue anything other than Christ..i like how you said they are only in for the fish so basically they're are doing it for themselves,
The dolphins are like the pharisees, the dolphins do tricks to get fish the pharisees play tricks to be praised.
Good blog keep it up :]
i meant...
we shouldnt be going to church to pursue anything other of Christ.
this is a great blog nat. i find myself going to church for the wrong reasons, either to see someone or to do something after. like dillon said, we need to only be pursing Christ at church. if we arent then we are like the fish, in it for ourselves. we need to focus on what bobbby is saying and apply it to ours lives and not be distracting by other things!
love ya!
Natalie, great blog entry! I think everyone has probably struggled with this, thanks for this really good reminder to focus on the teaching we hear from God's Word and be ready to go do what it says!
Ur dads a pastor? Cool... Pastor Bob... Ha, I remember when I would go to church to see my friends and yes, I did color on the sheets.... wow, I probably missed some great sermons :-(
great post... i remember when ur dad talked about that... you did a great job recapping, (if thats a word...)
its definitely a great topic to think about... i also remember something ur dad said a long time ago in a worship meeting thing... cant remember exactly what it was... but he said that we are worshipping 24/7, its just a matter of who/what we are worshipping and it needs to be Christ.
great job... keep it up
this comment maybe incredibly late i know but i just got the internet back huarray!!!! Uhh, oh yea, any ways... Yea, your right, we need to examine ourselves, and when you said galations 2:21 I was upset you didn't go with one verse before that, becuase the one before that just happens to be my favorite verse through out the whole bible
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